Monday 30 January 2012

a Loss! hurrah!

2.5 off this week, SO pleased with that.

To celebrate I am having my monthly chinese (takeaway) (Sauce and boiled rice, so not too naughty) and a beer as a treat, it is also a double celebration as we may have finaly sold our flat! Accepted an offer on it today so fingers crossed it is 4th time lucky for us :)

Sunday 29 January 2012

Time of the Month

Do you struggle with your food/diet/exercising when it is time of the month?
Aunt Flo decided to show up today so I am going to have a fun weigh in tommorow. Nice and bloated! Wahey.

I find I scoff myself silly when its period time, so i'm trying to be sensible, although we did end up at KFC this weekend.

I am contemplating changing my weigh in day to a friday, I always seem to mess up the whole weeks efforts at the weekend and then I dont see any results. So we will see how we go over the next weekend or 2 and then see about maybe changing it.

Thursday 26 January 2012


Hormones... those lovely things inside us that create havoc.

Wish mine would go away for a while and leave me to some stress free, emotion free time to myself.

Things not going so great, diet fine is fine, still sticking to the rules and taking tablets, but emotional wise not so great. bit stressed and that usually makes me turn to food for comrfort and I am finding it so hard to resist!

I made Chocolate Flapjacks yesterday for Hubby to take into work and he forgot to take them in this morning so they are sitting in the kitchen calling out my name. Evil things.

Whats your weakness when stressed or feeling down? what do you turn to for comfort?

Monday 23 January 2012

Stayed the Same

Stayed the Same this week. Bit annoying but I can see where I went wrong and hope to improve on that this week.

Week 3 - 18st 12 STS

Sunday 22 January 2012

The use of online forums.

I am a member of a few forums online, and I still to this day am amazed by some people and their attitudes on them.
Some people can be downright pathetic and act like children.

I personally use a Forum for support, whether it be for weight loss, parenting or just on another subject or hobby I am interested in.
We all use a forum for the same reason, to talk about a topic that is of interest to us, or that we need support in that we may not find elsewhere, such as from our friends and family around us in "real life"

But when people start using them as ways to "target" people, or Bully people for no good reason at all, It disgusts me. Surely people have better things to do with their lives? and if they don't, well they need to take up a new hobby. Harassing people who have done nothing but show support for others on the forum is ridiculous, and they are surely only doing it out of jealousy. Whether it be they are jealous of how popular the person is, how well liked the person is or how many posts that person has I don't know, but there is no acceptable reason for Harassment.

So to those who are doing it, take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror and realise just how pathetic you are, and then do us all a favour and grow up.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Just a random funny


I really struggle with exercising, Having a toddler really doesn't help matters, I am limited on babysitters and with Hubby working strange shifts at the moment I don't get to go out after he finishes work. (also I don't drive so would have to take toddler along in car too, usually to activities after her bedtime)
I have a gym membership that I set up last year but haven't used it since my ear op end of October.

I have a Wii Fit at home but my Toddler no longer naps in the daytime and refuses to sit in her highchair for half an hour whilst watching Mummy prance around the front room like an big wobbly jelly.

I have exercise DVDs but to be honest I am too ashamed to do them of an evening in front of my Husband (ridiculous I know, but I feel very self conscious about my thighs slapping together when doing scissor stretches! lol)

I feel like I am constantly making excuses for exercise, I could take Toddler out for a brisk walk around the block.....If we didn't have water works going on in our road so there isn't actually any pavement to walk on at the moment. See what I mean!? Argh.

Monday 16 January 2012

A Loss Hurrah!

So my scales were being a bit temperamental this morning.

they varied between  11lb 3/4 and 12.5lb so I took the middle one!

A Loss of 1.5lb this week. Could have been better, but that makes 5lb in 2 weeks so I am really happy with that :) Thinking Positive! A New Week, A New and Better Regime of Exercise I hope.

Sunday 15 January 2012

Weigh in no.2 tommorow....

and I am not looking forward to it. It hasnt been a BAD week, just i have been a bit naughty compared to the week before. So I will be lucky if I lose 1lb.

Monday 9 January 2012

Friday 6 January 2012

I've been Tangoed.

Not Nice, Wouldn't wish it on anyone, even people I really don't like.
It's like Oily Orange Liquid. I dont dare fart unless I'm on the loo.
Oh the Side Effects of Xenical....

To anyone thinking of starting them here are some of my Top Tips.

1. Dont eat crap the night before you start them as it will still be in your system for a few days and can give you the "oranges"
2. Stay away from Cheese
3. Stay away from Oily Fish and also using Oil in cooking, Use Fry Light.

Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Start

269lb start 19 st 3

today is going good.....

Frosties and Oatly for brekkie.
Tuna and Sweetcorn Jp and Salad for lunch

Going to make chicken and mash and veg for dinner.

Done 20 min on Zumba on the Wii.

Need to take measurements tonight, but must find tape measure in the meantime!